OK: 910034 innenstadtkinos Stuttgart – KALKI 2898 AD
Kalki 2898 AD


ACTION/Sci-Fi  |  180 Minuten  |  FSK ab 12  |  2024  |  Veröffentlichung: 27.06.2024

Ein moderner Avatar des Hindu-Gottes Vishnu, der auf die Erde herabgestiegen sein soll, um die Welt vor bösen Mächten zu schützen.
Kalki 2898 AD is an upcoming Indian epic science fiction action film written and directed by Nag Ashwin. Produced by C. Aswani Dutt under Vyjayanthi Movies, it was shot primarily in Telugu with some scenes reshot in Hindi. Inspired by Hindu scriptures, the film is set in a post-apocalyptic world, in the year 2898 AD. It is the first motion picture instalment of the planned Kalki Cinematic Universe.

(Telugu version with englisch subs)
